Executive Team

Bloom Riddhi Siddhi(BRS) is a novel digital start up initiative, set up by Siddhita Mohanty as the Founder on her 13th Birthday on 11 October 2021 under the mentorship and guidance of her parents Dr. Rakesh Mohanty and Prof. Suchismita Pattanaik as Mentor-cum-Advisors.

Currently Ms Siddhita has been seving in the role of the Chief Executive Officer(CEO) of the Start up, w.e.f. 11th October 2024( since her 16th Birth day) with the  launch of the company website.

The Executive team strives to bring in the best youth talents with merits and credible personality from the students and scholars community in the age group of 18 years to 25 years as prospective team mebers, who aligns with our Core Values and aspire to work with our team to fullfill the Vision and Mission of the Company for providing best services and contribution for the society.

Our motto is "EARN WHILE YOU LEARN".

Suchismita Pattanaik

Mentor and Advisor
